Stopwords Removal Tool Online

1 min readSep 5, 2020


I just wrote this online tool, thought of sharing it. This is part of an opensource project on GitHub.

Why Stop Words Removal?

English language analysis requires unwanted clutter to be removed from the English text. Removing common stop words is probably the first step that can save a lot of unwanted processing on the text that has a lot of repeating text.

What This Tool Can Do?

This tool is capable of removing common English stop words. It can also remember custom stop words in the browser cache. This way it can be used to remove common stop words.

How This Tool Is Running For Free?

This tool is a pure static web-based tool hosted on Github Pages, just like all other tools on this project. Pure Javascript can do a lot of magic, check out more tools on this page.

Would Like To Contribute?

Fork this repo and send your PR.




Written by Sachin

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