Barcode Generator Tool : Open Source

2 min readJul 10, 2021

Just added one more tool to the suit of open source tools we created. Now you should be able to create simple barcode images and download them anywhere for free.

Barcode generator tool online open source

Why This tool?

I needed to test my app for barcode efficiency and there was no easy way to get reliable barcode images to scan. This tool is written by me to use these barcodes to verify my app functionality. I think others can use it for various reasons.

Tool URL

The tool is hosted on

This can also be accessed by a memorable short link below

How To Use This Tool?

This tool is very simple and intuitive to use. Just enter barcode value in the input field and hit the “Generate BarCode” button, this will generate the barcode image.

Now you can either scan this barcode or download the image for use anywhere you like.

How To Contribute?

As I mentioned, this is an open source and complete free to use tool. You can contribute to the github repo here

Contribute to barcode generator tool on github

Feedback / Suggestions?

I am constantly trying to evolve this website and look forward for any feedback. Feel free to share your comment or send a direct pull request as contribution.




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